859-223-5632 office@lysa.org




Info & Registration Link

Info & Registration Link

Link to Player Registration (Click Here IF Approved for Late Registration)

Registration Fee: $35

Registration Deadline: Sunday, February 23, 2025, 11:59 PM EST 

Late Registration Deadline (Requires Approval by Director): Sunday, March 2, 2025, 11:59 PM EST

***Contact Lynda at topsoccerdirector@lysa.org to inquire about openings. There are a few spots available on some teams.

Financial Assistance Program:

Registration Tips

Registration Tips

Create GotSport Account (or Sign In to Existing Account) Using the Above Player Registration Link. A parent/guardian must first create a GotSport account for themselves, using the player registration link provided for the current season. Make sure that the email entered for the user ID is unique (i.e., different from others’ emails under the account). Tip for Parent/Guardian Who Plans to Volunteer: The GotSport user ID email needs to be the same email used to complete SafeSport training in the past (if completed it in the past). Enter your full legal name for name for your GotSport account and your SafeSport account. 

Click “Registering a Child or Someone Else” (or Click “Register” Next to Player’s Name Under Your Account). You may need to "Add" player to your household before you can register them if this is your first time registering them. Do a search, and when you do not find them, add them. Then, register them as a player, entering their full legal name for name. You can also add other parents/guardians to the account. Note: Registrant’s Information = Player’s Info. Your Information = Parent/Guardian Info.

Provide Requested Documents. You will be asked to upload your player's birth certificate and sign a consent form as part of the online registration process.  If either of the below forms apply to your player, you'll be provided instructions by the director on how to submit after you register player.


Info & Registration Link

Info & Registration Link

Link to Volunteer Registration (Click Here)

Registration Deadline: Sunday, February 23, 2025, 11:59 PM EST

Late Registration Deadline: Sunday, March 2, 2025, 11:59 PM EST

***Contact Lynda at topsoccerdirector@lysa.org to inquire about openings. 

Registration Tips

Registration Tips

Create GotSport Account (or Log In to Existing Account) Using the Above Volunteer Registration Link. If a volunteer is under the age of 18 years, a parent/guardian must first create a GotSport account for themselves before registering the volunteer. Make sure that the email entered for the user ID is unique (i.e., different from others’ emails under the account). Tip for Adult Volunteers Who Have Completed SafeSport Training in the Past: The GotSport user ID email needs to be the same email used to complete SafeSport training. Enter your full legal name for name for your GotSport account and your SafeSport account. 

Register to Volunteer:

  • Parent/Guardian Registering Youth Volunteer: Click “Registering a Child or Someone Else” (OR Click “Register” Next to Volunteer’s Name). Note: Registrant’s Information = Volunteer’s Info and Your Information = Parent/Guardian Info.
  • Adult Volunteer Registering Self:  Click “Registering Myself” (OR Click “Register” Next to Your Name).

Select “Coach” for Volunteer Role When Sign In to Register. On the registration form, you will be able to select the volunteer role or roles of interest. 

Check Your Schedule Carefully Before You Enter Availability.  This information is used to create the volunteer schedule and assign coaches to teams and buddies to players.  

Provide Requested Documents. You will be asked to complete and sign a consent form. If you are under 18 years of age, a parent/guardian will need to sign the form. 

Complete Risk Management & Training Requirements: There are certain requirements volunteers must fulfill to be eligible to volunteer with TOPSoccer. Click on the Volunteer Resources link for information.


Contact Information

Contact Information

Program-Related Questions: Lynda Ison, LYSA TOPSoccer Director, topsoccerdirector@lysa.org

Registration-Related Questions: Lois Stephens, LYSA Registrar, 859-223-5632 or registrar@lysa.org

Scholarship-Related Questions: Todd Bretz, LYSA Grassroots Director, grassrootsdirector@lysa.org




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